Thursday, October 1, 2009

Acumatica Distribution Management Suite

The Distribution Management Suite is an add-on module to the Financial Management Suite for managing the complexities of distribution such as purchasing, ordering, tracking inventory, filling orders, and delivering customer support.

The distribution suite is integrated with our core financial modules to deliver real-time measurements of profitability by warehouse, product line, location, and business unit. Integration with CRM ensures that your entire organization, from sales to support, has visibility into your distribution processes.

The product is integrated with the other Acumatica suites to provide all business management functions in a single, integrated system. This allows sales teams to make a quote based on current inventory and sign a contract which creates the appropriate sales order. The sales order can trigger the creation of a purchase order as well as the pick list for warehouse operations. Customer service can access an up-to-date status of orders, including partially filled orders. Finance and accounting can monitor purchasing processes and inventory levels to minimize costs.

The product includes reporting tools, dashboards, workflow, and file management features to streamline business processes. Detailed access controls ensure that only authorized users can see specific screens, reports, and objects. Web-based customization tools give authorized users the ability to change the appearance, business logic, and database fields associated with their deployment.

Since it is web-based, the Distribution Management Suite can be deployed faster and maintained for less money than traditional client-server applications. The product is designed to be installed on-premise, hosted at a datacenter, or deployed on a cloud computing platform.

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