The Foundation’s Board of Trustees is an independent body of leaders in their professions with diverse backgrounds and expertise in areas of business, finance, investment, accounting, government, investor advocacy, education, and other professions involved in the activities of the financial and capital markets. The Board is currently comprised of 16 members and, other than the chairman, Trustees serve a single five-year term and until their successors are elected and qualified. To provide for appropriate continuity of leadership, the Trustee serving in the capacity as chair may be re-elected to successive terms without limitations on the number of terms he or she may serve. The Trustees, in their capacity as the members of the Foundation, have sole authority to elect all Trustees. Three Trustees must have extensive experience as fi nancial offi cers or as elected offi cials of state or local governments and candidates for these positions are nominated by the nine governmental organizations that helped form the GASB under the Foundation. Nominations for the remaining at-large Trustee positions are solicited from a broad array of market participants.
The members of the FAF Board of Trustees are:
The members of the FAF Board of Trustees are:
- John J. Brennan (chairman, FAF), chairman, Vanguard;
- Robert T. Blakely (vice chairman, FAF), executive vice president and CFO (retired), Fannie Mae;
- W. Steve Albrecht, associate dean of the Marriott School of Management and professor, Brigham Young University;
- Rick Anderson, chairman, Moss Adams LLP;
- Frank H. Brod, corporate vice president, Finance and Administration, and chief accounting officer, Microsoft Corporation;
- Ellyn L. Brown, president, Brown & Associates;
- Jeffrey J. Diermeier, retired president and chief executive offi cer, CFA Institute;
- Cynthia P. Eisenhauer, former chief of staff for Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack;
- Timothy P. Flynn, chairman, KPMG;
- Edward M. Harrington, general manager, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, California;
- Dennis Kass, chairman and chief executive offi cer, Jennison Associates LLC;
- John J. Perrell III, retired vice president–global policies, American Express Company;
- Susan M. Phillips, dean, George Washington University School of Business;
- James H. Quigley, chief executive offi cer, Deloitte & Touche Tohmatsu;
- John J. Radford, state controller, Oregon;
- Paul C. Wirth, global controller, Morgan Stanley.
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